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Delivery Information


How much are the delivery charges?

Steelneeds.com would mail you actual cost of delivery in the Performa invoice after getting your confirmation of order from your end, It would consist actual cost of Transportation, Loading and weighing charge, Unloading charges would not be mentioned unless it is required by the buyer, further when a customer choose for “Own transport” in this we don’t charge any transport charge but we charge Loading/Weighing and unloading charge.

What is the estimated delivery time?

We would deliver within 2-3 days depend on the availability of Transport facility.

For Out of Stock items:

We would notify once we get your confirmation about non-availability of materials they selected and give them an option of alternative available materials.

What about warranty and hidden costs (sales tax, octroi etc.)?

There is no hidden cost, we are mentioning online price are inclusive of excise duty but exclusive of VAT/CST, Loading, Weighing and unloading charge. There are no extra taxes, hidden costs or additional shipping charges other then it would be mentioned in the Performa invoice. The price mentioned on the website is the final price. What you see is what you pay.