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Buy Points

Home Page Advertisements Rate


Package No of Leads Cost in (INR) USD
Bronze Package 100 Points 20 Buyers/Sellers Rs 2500 USD 50
Sliver Packagev 250 Points 50 Buyers/Sellers Rs 5000 USD 100
Gold Package 500 Points 100 Buyers/Sellers Rs 7500 USD 150
Diamond Package 1000 Points 200 Buyers/Sellers Rs 10,000 USD 200


  Note : 1 Contact Detail = 5 Point 

Excluding Service Tax 12.36% (for INR)
Further if you are looking to Advertise on home page of www.steelneeds.com or promote through ournews letter ( 50,000 Subscribers ), 
Attractive packages available.
Contact - info@steelneeds.com